Friday, October 26, 2012

The letter "F"

"F"un with our "F"ingers!

"F" is for 'F'ingerpaint.

Puzzles are one of many favorite things @ AOCC.

Writing our letter 'F'

'F'ingerpainting our 'F'ish

Jordyn Loves Books...

Yoga Fun in the morning.

Alex + Books = Fun 
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Our Harvest Party....Ready For Action

Ready For Action
Twister in Full Effect
Counting w/ Candy Corn
Jordyn & Aaron working together on the letter "F"
Hi, my name is Elmo. What's yours?
Almost Done
Great Job Adrian!
Ok Carter, How many are you going to eat? How many for your pumpkin face?
Lower case "F"
Get this monkey off my face!
COOL Pumpkin, Nola.
Am I a monkey? Or a duck?

We love to play dress up and eat candy!
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Brookfield Zoo

Rain or Shine.....We have fun with All Our Children....

Where to next? Let's map this out......

Taking a PB & J Break.....

We love going to the Zoo. What animals did we see again?
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