Friday, May 10, 2013

Summer, we want you here to stay...

Beautiful day for lunch at the park
Said hi to an officer on our adventurous bathroom break

Alex still loves the swings
The babies still love the old park 
Running around the yard
Circle time!
Munching on the sandwiches

Who knew hugging could make someone sad?

Making our mother's day presents

Alex's new haircut


Leah falling asleep on the swings at the park

Friday, May 3, 2013

A little taste of summer

Magical place, here we come!...
All Our Children! 

Who can climb the fastest?
Swing, swing, swing

Say cheese




All smiles

Using those leg muscles
Running and rolling

Goodnight moon

Nice, relaxing day
Run to the map!
Swing, swing, swing
Big boy Alex

Nathan on the monkey bars
Climb across! 

Can you find where we are hiding?
Bonding on the bridge

Welcome to the new park!

We still love the swings

Happy reading time

Nalani reading to Addysen
Wow, this slide is faster than I thought!

Look at our silly boys!
They are great helpers too
And off to sleep we go
Up, Up, Up!
Away we go

Round and round we go

Silly boys
Jordyn and Ayden having a good talk

Nathan and Leah always help each other out

The brothers swing

And away we go
We LOVE the new park

And the beautiful weather!

Alex's cheese (:
Nola helping push, Leah and Nikko
Ayden helping push Nathan and Nola
All smiles this way.