Friday, February 8, 2013

Letter "Qq"

Look at all the "quazy" things we did this week!
Welcome to "Qq" week 

Addysen presenting her "Qq" words

Sydney loves those "Quaker" oats!

We built all sorts of things in the snow

Sydney enjoyed playing in the snow also
We had so much fun in the snow INSIDE!
Carter is the shaving cream monster! RAWR!

Look at Nathan's shaving cream hands

We love to play dirty!

Shaving cream hands AHHHH!

Look at our beautiful Lincoln Log city! 

Hmmm,what should we build next?
Alex reading while Sydney plays 
Alex:" Hmmm, I wonder what this says?" 

Alex: Is there anything inside here???

Princess Leah on the run! 

What are we going to make today?

Jordyn finding letter "Qq" for the alphabet game

Adrian practicing math 

We love learning on the tablet

Sydney and Alex learning on the tablet with Mrs.Ramos

Look at our beautiful Qq project

Jordyn learning counting. 

Carter, Aaron, and Addysen playing the alphabet game

Leah and Ayden playing Connect Four

Nathan and Leah practicing their letters

Sydney became an astronaut :)

Saving the world one princess and power ranger at a time!

Eating our delicious lunch
We had fun in all the snow! 

Amaris wins!

Nathan, Leah, and Jordyn exploring the snow.

Practicing our "Qq"

Practicing our Qqs

Carter and Addysen buliding with the blocks

Nice house Addysen!

Playing the alphabet game with Ms.Tori 

Alex loves shaving cream! 

We brought the snow INSIDE!!!
Learning is always fun!
Here are some links to some "Qq" videos we watched this week

The letter "Qq" song

Quails hatching

How to make pizza quesadillas!

Learning your coins

Black History: Ruby Bridges

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