Welcome to letter "Vv" week!
Here is a sample of our video of the week (scroll to the bottom to see the rest!).
Jordyn's show and tell.
Look at our Lego creations |
Alex presenting his letter "Vv" |
Coloring our vegtables |
Nathan showing off his vegetable coloring |
Look t our vegetable V projects |
Alex and Nikko's letter V projects |
Doing our letter V projects |
Jordyn and Leah playing with the Legos |
Nikko and Adrian making a house for the animals |
Doing our VASE project |
Carter being a great help with trimming the flowers. |
Cutting the flowers was fun! |
Nikko with scissors "AHHH! Watch out!" |
All Our Children are such a big help! |
Practicing our VOWEL sounds |
Nikko loves to practice his VOWELS |
Carter practicing his VOWEL e sound. |
What is your favorite VOWEL letter? |
Learning the difference between long and short VOWEL sounds |
We LOVE to play the matching game. |
Look at the beautiful arrangement we put in the VASE. |
What are we going to build today? |
"What am I going to do next?" |
It is slowly coming together. |
Starting to look like a car |
Look at what Addysen made |
We LOVE to build new things! |
Jordyn practicing her letter V |
Alex wants to practice too! |
Ayden practicing his letter "Vv" |
The boys LOVE the blocks |
Leah thinking, "Now what?" |
Leah practicing her letter V with the blocks |
Ayden that's an awesome house you built |
The letter N turned into a letter V is it magic? |
Watch our Show-N-Tell this week!
Aaron made a really cool house! |
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