Friday, January 24, 2014

Cars, Cars, Cars

This week we learned all about the them! 

Block time!
Lets draw some cars
Big thanks to Mr. David for teaching us all about cars

Listening closely about the different parts of cars.
This is the radio. How does this thing work?

Headlight...Let me see how this connects to the car.

Father and Sons....CLASSIC PHOTO

This is the brake light. The light bulb goes inside here.
I think I want a race car when I grow up.

A racing steering wheel....Made in Italy.

Vrooom, Vrooom and we are off until next week! (:
Drawing different parts from cars.

Alex is doing a great job with the steering wheel.

Mya draws the radiator .

Nikko is focused. The steering wheel was cool.

Ok...Turn the page and draw your next car part.

Headlights are in the front of your car.

Why are they different colors?

That is where the light bulb goes...AHA!
The brake light is in the back of our car. It shines bright red when we need to stop.

How many light bulbs go inside the brake light?

Yummy for my tummy.

Coloring our "V"egetables
Red tomatoes
Green Bell Peppers
Yellow Onions
Orange Carrots
"V" is for Vegetables

Can you find the letters V? X? E? 

Great job on the Cars puzzle guys!


We Finished!

Power Ranger Puzzle! Yeah!

All by ourselves.

Time to start feeding yourself huh?

Mrs. Mia, that was good!

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