Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Elawa Farm + the other fun stuff!

HEY, I didn't tell you you could take my pictures! 

Hmm, can I make this as tall as me?

The park at Elowa farm

Turn round and round and round

Maybe we should plant a garden at home

Look at the beautiful flowers! 

Look at the cool birds!

So many cool animals here

Practicing writing my name 

Nice teamwork Ladies!

What do ALL OUR CHILDREN like about themselves?

All of our books for this week! 

We love filling each others buckets, even if it is just with water (;

Hello? Mommy can you hear me?

What do you like about you?
ALL OUR CHILDREN grow faster than weeds!

How tall is Cam?

Hmm, I think we've got it!

Cameron what do you like about you?

"I like my whole face" he said

Ascher what do you like about you?

Someone is growing more and more everyday! 

We love volunteering our time! 

Teamwork makes the dream work!

Today at circle time we are learning about germs!

What is this thing? 

I think I like this one better! 

What animal lives in a nest?

Working together makes the work go faster

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